Friday, June 29, 2012

Loving summer, but looking ahead!

I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I must be the worlds worst blogger! Hopefully my posts will pick back up when school starts in August and we have more going on. Yes, that is right. We haven't done school at all this summer, and I am accepting that this is okay! We are still learning, but just doing some old fashioned learning with play and looking at books! I think that a little down time will help "A". Especially after our leap into homeschooling after a difficult start to Kindergarten in public school. 

I am starting to plan some for the fall though. I have been shopping around a little for workbooks and books to read. I will begin planning lessons soon! I plan on sharing my lessons on here, maybe someone else will use them and benefit from them. I am constantly borrowing ideas, it is amazing how creative people are! I am so glad that I am homeschooling in today's world of internet! 

The last time I posted I told you about A's stomach problems. I am pleased to report we are doing much better, and we have a appointment in the Fall with a specialist. I am considering starting a Gluten free diet with A, but the idea scares me, so I am still in the thinking about it stage.

We are having a blast this summer, I hope you are having a great summer as well! 

Summer Fun! 

Playing the sensory box! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tummy problems and summer plans!

So far our summer is not going as planned.  It started out good, with a planned break from lessons and some visits to a local swimming pool and some backyard fun.  About a week ago A became ill with typical tummy virus symptoms, but, even after a night in the hospital for dehydration his fever would not go away. We finally visited a children's ER to have his tummy x-rayed and found out that A is extremely constipated, to the point that it was making him ill. We are working on getting that taken care of without going back to the hospital but A still doesn't feel well. Prayers are appreciated!  This has been a ongoing problem and is getting worse, so it looks like we get to add another doctor to A and his brother's busy schedule.
So, we haven't even got around to school this summer, not even the fun field trips I had planned, but we will get there! Speaking of busy, I am having such a hard time keeping up with two blogs and I am trying to figure out a creative way to combine A's blog with his brother's so I can update on them both in one blog! Both boy's are in therapy this summer and are doing great! I am extremely pleased with baby brothers progress!

I am hoping to get back to some fun learning activities with the boy's soon, I hope everyone is having a great summer!

 Backyard fun! 

 Spending time at the Ronald McDonald House. 

Baby Brother!