I have been told by many professionals that because "A" has autism he can't use his imagination. I have to disagree! At least this don't seem to be the case with "A".
Just a little while ago he was sitting on the table, you probably think it is strange that I let my son sit in the middle of the table. We do a lot of strange, but fun things at my house! Anyway, he was sitting on the table, the table was his ship and he was a viking. He was spinning a big tale, sitting there with his viking hat on. He was fighting pirates and dragons. He had to get in a airplane to get off the ship, because "mommy I can't get off in the water." If that isn't imagination what is it! Maybe it is because he is "high functioning?"
I love this quirky, sweet, creative moments! I think about them when I am dealing with a big meltdown, and we have been having quite of few of those lately. Thanks to medication issues and school being out for almost two weeks due to snow! Even though "A" likes to be home, he misses his routine and schedule!
I will have to disagree also. I believe Kai also has an imagination. He can pretend that he is a fire truck, and he pretends sometimes with his sisters. So I do think it is possible. i think some professionals need to go back to school! *L*
Liam is totally imaginative too - just not in the same way my daughter was... I say to myself 100 times a day that I'd love to peek inside his mind to see what he's seeing, because he's got such unique perceptions of the world... it took longer for him to develop or for me to recognize it, but he's definitely putting his imagination to use on a daily basis now,
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