Saturday, February 4, 2012

And the journey begins....

We have been homeschooling for about two weeks now. Things are starting to fall into place. We took it slow for the first couple of weeks, so we could both get used to the change. Homeschooling is pretty awesome. I am surprised that A does his lessons so well with minimum fuss. We have been concentrating mainly on reading and math for the past two weeks, and we have read a few books from the library for science and history, we have learned about George Washington in history and about shadows in science. We also started reading "Moby Dick".

 During the past two weeks we have worked on reading skills and phonics, and we have reviewed in math. We enjoyed morning story time at our local library last Tuesday and we were able to meet a local home school family for lunch one day!

 We got our new Horizons math book and the Pecci reading series in the mail last week so we are ready to take off. I am waiting on science, social studies, and bible.  I have also decided to do some unit studies. I downloaded a few from Unit Studies by Amanda Bennet and I let A choose which one he wants to do next week! He chose a unit about Robots! I am looking forward to a fun week next week, one full of learning! 

My little Mr. Smarty pants! 

Computer time! 

Finished with lessons and playing his Wii...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesomeness, Miss Denise! I saw your posts about Amanda Bennett's unit studies. I keep meaning to check those out more. I looked a little and liked what I saw. I'm going to a "Homeschool Convention" in late April. They go on throughout the country from what I've been told. You can go and take seminars and look at books/resources before you buy them. I am pretty excited...I hope you'll like Horizon's math. We really like it. Very colorful and stimulating.